Hi, I'm Shane. I live here.

IRL, my name is Shane Becker. On the web, I'm @veganstraightedge on all of the sites. I use the same avatar (top left) everywhere on the internet, but this is what I look in real life. You can email me at veganstraightedge@gmail.com.
This is Evan.

Evan Phoenix is not eating an invisible sandwich in this photo. Maybe. He works at The Farmhouse on the regular. He's @evanphx on Twitter and GitHub. He created and works on an open source software project called Rubinius.
And John.

John Bender works at The Farmhouse most of the days on jQuery Mobile, an open source JavaScript framework for mobile development. He often has his hood up and rarely looks straight at the camera.
Finally, Heather.

Heather Peterson clearly has the best style of any of us around this place. She sings, dances, raps and makes the most amazing things. Her website is full of awesomitude. If you need a Tumblr theme, she's got you covered.

It's Civ's world. We just live in it. She likes to sleep close to things and makes a great co-pilot.